Thank you so much for still sticking with us!
Donations are important!
As long as there is war, solidarity is needed!

Since the beginning of the war, 24.02.2022, we have started to collect money to support people from the anarchist and anti-authoritarian community, their families and friends and people who need support. So far you have donated about 341796 euros. Together with a large network, we have used this money to support a wide variety of people inside and outside Ukraine.

The first year of war has cost the lives of five activists who fought and were supported by this network – Ihor “Cain/Crimean” Volokhov, Yuriy “Yanov” Samoylenko, Serhiy “Rubin” Petrovichev and Tisha. Our thoughts are with their families and friends.
Three activists were captured by Russian units, six were injured.

What has been financed by your donations so far:

  • There are anarchist/antifascist/anti-authoritarian activists in different military structures. At the beginning of the war, there was a unit in Kyiv that saw itself as explicitly anti-authoritarian, which emerged as a cohesive group in its own right, but no longer exists as such. All the others are part of normal military units.
  • So far 190959.26 Euros have been paid for protective gear and equipment.
  • 10 cars were bought, which are now in Ukraine and are used there for different activities, as well as money for other cars further donated for a total of 79659 euros.
  • For logistics, gasoline, vehicle, repaire, documents, … 24627.58euros were paid.
  • For individual assistance to people who left the country (travel expenses, accommodation, “pocket money” and special needs) and financial assistance to people in the country were paid 15490 euros.
  • For the Ukraine Herbal Solidarity project of Solidarity Apothecary we donated 3000€ so they can produce new medicines.
  • Medical-Selfdefense-Network has received medicines, medical equipment and other support for 12939.98€ and a van for their work.
  • ABC Galicia has received financial support to run their warehouse over 8000€ and security equipment like vest and helmets for their drivers.
  • Help War Victims was also supported with protective gear for their trips to areas near the front.

    And a lot more.

Independently of these donations, we have started to raise funds for sponsorships for Ukrainian activists. At the moment we are sponsoring a person to work at Solidarity Collectives. This way all energy can go into this project and no additional wage work is needed for one’s livelihood. We collected 1800€ for half a year support.

You also wanna support:

Donation via Paypal.

Donationa via Bank Account.
Name: UGMR
IBAN: DE57 4306 0967 1216 4248 00
Subject: Ukraine

You wanna support the initiatives directly and wanna have news:

Solidarity Collectives is an anti-authoritarian volunteer network formed before the full-scale russian invasion of Ukraine to help comrades on the frontline and civilians affected by the war. Based on our anti-authoritarian values, we decided to actively resist russian agression. We support the right of ukrainian people to self-
defense and consider the russian invasion an imperialist act. The soldiers we support are activists of various convictions: anarchist, human right defenders, trade unionists, eco-anarchist, anarcho-feminists, punk-rockers, political refugees from Belarus and Russia, etc.

Interview with a member of Solidarity Collectives (July 2022)


Help War Victims UA (HWV) — humanitarian project which helps civilians and animals with humanitarian aid at war zone and deliberated territories. Usually we work by request and provide food, medicine, hygiene, clothes, household, other basic necessities; once provided a wheel-chair and a wood-stove; helping to handle with lack of heating and electricity, evacuating people and animals. Organizing tactical medicine trainings and supporting some charity activities. During the 2022 year from May to December we did 12 humanitarian missions and brought aid to 37 villages or cities. And still we go for a missions every month. We are doing all this to help civilians and animals who can’t overcome by themselves the severe situation they faced to. We want to show them how mutual aid works and that empathy is a strong weapon which occupiers don’t possess.



Medical Self-Defense Network is a group of people from different parts of the world with various professional backgrounds, skills and experiences including working as medics, paramedics or in traditional public health care. They are active in different places, right now for example in Ukraine and Northern Syria.

Interview about work in Ukraine (December 2022)


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