Solidaritea Special: International Trans Prisoner Day of Action and Solidarity

As queers and allies, we know the stigmatization of trans* and non-binary people all too well. Many of us are forced into precarious living conditions and experience violence and state repression. This injustice particularly affects those who are behind bars. But queer people have always found ways to overcome social isolation with love, solidarity and mutual care. For generations of queer and trans* people, it has been clear that the fight for self-determination is inextricably linked to the fight against prison society – inside and out. The International Trans Prisoner Day of Action and Solidarity is initiated worldwide on January 22 by trans prisoners and their supporters and makes their struggles visible.

On 31.01.25, from 5 to 7 pm, we therefore cordially invite you to the next Solidaritea and letter writing to prisoners at malobeo. We want to connect this event to the International Trans Prisoner Day of Action and Solidarity: We will remember the struggles of the George Jackson Brigade and want to discuss what trans people in prison need and how we can stay connected beyond prison walls. Let’s break through the walls of isolation together!

Against the prison society!
Freedom for all prisoners!

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