27.08. Movie about Sacco and Vanzetti

Movie: 18:30
Food: 20:00

As part of the “International week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners”, we will be showing a film about Sacco and Vanzetti on Tuesday, August 27th. 

The two were workers who immigrated to the USA from Italy and joined the anarchist labor movement. They were accused of involvement in a double robbery-murder and found guilty in a controversial trial in 1921. After several appeals by the legal profession were rejected, they were sentenced to death in 1927 after seven years in prison. Both the guilty verdict and the final sentence on April 9, 1927 resulted in mass demonstrations worldwide. Critics accused the US justice system of politically motivated judicial murder based on questionable circumstantial evidence.

Afterwards there will be something to eat to round off the evening.

Until then!

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