06 June ´24 #FreeMaja – Demonstration in Leipzig

Demonstration in LEIPZIG
Saturday 06 June 3pm
Bayerischer Bahnhof

The worst has come true. Maja was extradited to Hungary by the Berlin Public Prosecutor General’s Office and Soko LinX just a few hours after the Berlin Court of Appeal’s positive decision.

For weeks there was talk about the undignified conditions of Hungarian pre-trial detention, about the explicit danger Maja is exposed to there and the political conduct of the Hungarian judiciary, for weeks the negotiations at the Court of Appeal went on – and then this. Within a very short time, Maja was taken to Budapest, her family, lawyers and relatives remained in the dark about her whereabouts and finally learned from the press that Maja had already been handed over to the Hungarian authorities.

The temporary injunction of the Federal Constitutional Court, which would have prevented an extradition for at least a few weeks in order to review the decision of the Court of Appeal at the next instance, was deliberately circumvented! The General Prosecutors Office Berlin knew about the ongoing urgent appeal, but the authorities apparently hurried all the more to get Maja to the Hungarian border so that they could then claim that there was nothing more they could do anyway. Maja was dragged out of bed in the middle of the night, put in the car and driven to Budapest at top speed. It was a tactical procedure that relatives and lawyers were not informed of Maja’s whereabouts in order to prevent any resistance or legal objection.

We are saddened, horrified and incredibly angry. We share the concern of Maja’s family, comrades and friends. We send all our strength and confidence to Maja, who is now sitting in a Hungarian pre-trial detention cell, in the same prison from which we know the most terrible things from Ilaria’s reports and where Maja has to cope with this situation largely in isolation.

But right now it is important that we do not give up, that we do not allow ourselves to be isolated and that we continue to fight – together. We want to take our shock and outrage at what has happened to the streets.

Join us at the demonstration on 06.07. 15:00 at the Bayerischer Bahnhof.

The demonstration will be divided into different blocks:
– ‘Bring Maja back home – #FreeMaja’,
– a queerfeminist block and
– ‘Antifa remains manual labor’.

We want to give relatives, family members of Maja as well as people in solidarity from different contexts the opportunity to take their anger and concerns to the streets.
Support and mobilize for the individual blocks. Stay informed on social media, more information will follow and share this or your own calls.

Further Information: basc.news

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