HEIBO – Interim status of the repression! Donations wanted!

It has now been more than a year since the Heibo was evicted and squatters are still standing trial and the Bautzen district court is demanding dizzying fines.

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The article was taken over from the Heibo website and updated a bit based on the new events.

An overview:

1) 2 people sentenced for resisting law enforcement officers

So far, 2 people have been sentenced to fines in the district courts of Kamenz and Bautzen for §113 resisting law enforcement officers, solely because they were allegedly chained in a lock-on, at a concrete construction.

One of them has been sentenced anonymous. The other person, whose personal details were known, had to pay a fine of 30 daily rates.

2) 2 people on appeal for resisting law enforcement officers in a particularly serious case

In two lengthy and excessive trials, two activists were sentenced by the Bautzen district court to suspended sentences of 6 months and probation with community service. The two were accused of chaining themselves together in a lock-on. It is extremely questionable to prosecute this chaining as resistance under §113, but the judge even considered the joint activity to be a particularly serious case.

The defendants initially refused to give their personal details and paid a security deposit of €800 each. In the course of the proceedings, they were then identified through the use of super-recognizers, surveillance and identification measures. The two have appealed. The first date of the appeal hearing took place on 14 May at 09:00 at the regional court in Bautzen. You can read the latest developments on the Heibo website.

3) The charges of assault and attempted assault were dropped

The public prosecutor’s office had charged a person with assault on law enforcement officers §114 StGB and attempted serious bodily harm. This seemed very artificial right from the start and so the court has now dropped the charges and will only hear the case for “resisting officers”. Nevertheless, the person has already had enough unnecessary stress because of this.

4) Fines add up to around €10000

Many squatters came out of the eviction unrecognised because they did not give their personal details. However, at least 14 people identified themselves or were subsequently identified. At least 10 of them have received fines this year because they are accused of having stayed in an area that is prohibited under forestry law. An administrative offence, which is listed in the catalogue at €60, is subject to a fine of €800-1300. Some of those affected have appealed, which will be heard at the Kamenz district court at the beginning of June.

5) Finn is still in prison

Finn had been helping at the Heibo vigil when he was arrested in a traffic stop on an outstanding warrant. In August 2023, Finn was then sentenced to 3 years and 6 months in prison. The sentence is now final and Finn will be transferred to Waldheim on 31 May 2024.

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