Update Finn – Finn will be now in Waldheim prison

The judgement against Finn is now final. This means that Finn will be transferred from Leipzig to Waldheim. Although Finn would have liked to stay in Leipzig, this is not possible because people are only detained there while they are in pre-trial detention. Finn will now be transferred to Waldheim Prison on 31 May 2014.
This means that Finn will have to find his feet, get to know new people and come to terms with new guards.

Support Finn with motivating mail!

This is Finns new address:

Finn Siebers c/o Scheffel
JVA Waldheim
Dresdener Straße 1
04736 Waldheim

Letters can also be sent by e-mail to solidaritaet@freefinn.org, which are then forwarded to him by post with a few days’ delay.

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