A few weeks have passed since Andreas broke off his hunger strike. That’s why we spoke to Andreas about his health, what’s going on with the post and the newspapers, the general mood in prison and why the BKA introduced itself as the Senate and visited Andreas in prison.
The interview is only in German available. So here is a short summary in english: Andreas health situation is not really good, he still suffer from kidney problems. The situation about his post and newspaper is still unclear. Sometimes he receives the post sometimes not. This depends on the guards who are passing the post. The newspaper for now was given to him one time but censored in some parts. In general Andreas is facing harassment from some individual officers. The most crazy incident was the visit by the federal criminal police. They first pretend to be from the senat (Berlin government) to talk about his situation. But than made clear who they are. They were asking Andreas about the two other former RAF members who are still underground. And they asked him as well about the arson in Grünheide at the Tesla company. Well Andreas didn´t give any information. Apart from the fact that he doesn´t have any. Cops try to check if Andreas might be cooperative and wanna give informations.