Update Budapest trial

Maja has been in extradition custody in Dresden prison since the beginning of March this year. Maja was arrested in December last year in the context of the Budapest proceedings. This means that Maja is still acutely threatened with extradition to Hungary and thus extradition to an openly queer-hostile country and its prison system that violates human rights.

Maja was arrested in December 2023 on charges of forming a criminal organization in the context of the Budapest proceedings in Berlin. In March of this year, Maja’s case was handed over by the Dresden Public Prosecutor General’s Office to the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office. Since then, Maja has been in custody pending extradition and is therefore acutely threatened with Extradition to Hungary.

Queerphobic attack on Maja in custody and denied detention rights in prison

At the end of April this year, Maja was attacked and physically assaulted by a fellow inmate after a walk in the yard. The reason for the assault was, as the attacker later openly stated, his anti-queer attitude. He had been bothered by the fact that Maja was queer and also took a shower unclothed. In response to this attack, Maja now admits to showering alone.
This assault shows very clearly that prisons are not safe places, especially not for queer people. Meanwhile Maja is transfered to another section inside the prison where people are incarcerated who are not longterm prisoners and are inside first time.

Furthermore, Maja’s rights within the prison are being significantly curtailed: despite the Federal Court of Justice’s confirmation that Maja is allowed to take part in sports/leisure and work activities, the prison refuses to allow Maja to take part in these activities on the flimsy grounds that she must be constantly accompanied by four officers as a security measure. This is not possible during sports and leisure activities. Maja is thus denied rights within the prison!

Further arrest in the Budapest trial

On May 6, another arrest was made after a house search in Nuremberg in the morning. The anti-fascist Hanna was arrested and has been in custody in Nuremberg prison ever since. The reason given for the pre-trial detention was the risk of absconding, solidarity for anti-fascists in hiding in these proceedings and the amount of the expected sentence. Like Maja, Hanna is also threatened with extradition to Hungary.

Against the extradition of anyone to anywhere
Freedom for all imprisoned anti-fascists

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